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Public, leaders, talk juvenile justice

The Gainesville Sun - 1/4/2019

Jan. 04--More programs to help prison inmates transition out of incarceration, to encourage parents to get involved in their children's lives and to try to keep youth offenders from committing more crime were some of the suggestions to state Sen. Keith Perry at the Black on Black Crime Task Force meeting Thursday night.

Perry, R-Gainesville, is chairman of the Senate's criminal justice committee and met with the task force to discuss ideas for new legislation and programs, particularly regarding children who get caught up in the legal system.

Some possible changes to be considered by the legislature this year include sentencing reform for drug offenses and reducing the classification of some crimes, Perry said.

Perry said he plans to work on programs to increase affordable housing to create more stable neighborhoods and to implement some new school programs to begin preparing kids for thrive in a future with fewer low-wage jobs.

But Perry wanted to get residents' thoughts about what can be done to create a justice system that is more fair and effective at reducing recidivism and helping offenders turn their lives around.

"My goal, as we move forward, is to learn and understand," Perry said. "If you change the environment, you can change the outcome. We want to encourage positive, good behavior."

Rosa Williams, one of the task force's founders, said more legislative help is needed for programs that will steer kids away from crime and to get parents more involved in the lives of their children.

Assistant State Attorney Rebecca Shinholser, who heads the juvenile bureau, said programs such as Teen Court and the use of civil citations rather than arrest are effective for many young offenders.

But more is needed to try to reach kids who have gone through a diversion program and continue on a criminal path.

"I think the kids Miss Rosa is referring to are the ones who diversion has already been tried with," Shinholser said. "We have some kids who have gotten into such serious criminal situations and do not have family support, or their family is trying to help and the kid is just refusing. They can use some extra resources in the juvenile justice system."

Pastor Gerard Duncan of Prayers by Faith Family Ministries suggested to Perry that greater transitional programs could help inmates prepare for release through training and education.

Duncan said he has worked with existing programs in which pre-release inmates learn about social situations, family matters and other issues they face once out of prison that have shown some success.

"But a challenge is that it is not being tracked accurately so we have not been able to recognize just how well it has been doing," Duncan said. "I believe programs that serve that offender before release serve well."

Perry also serves on the criminal and civil justice appropriations subcommittee. He said anyone with additional suggestions should contact his office.

The 2019 Florida Legislature session begins March 5.


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